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A scent inspired New Year

Dec 11, 2023

In the landscape of self-care and mindful living, natural incense emerges as a pivotal element. For a moment let's ex...

Floral vs Woody Incense

Feb 20, 2023

Floral incense and woody incense are two different types of incense that are made from different types of natural in...

Why Burn Incense?

Feb 4, 2023

Incense has been used for centuries for its believed benefits on both physical and mental well-being, the main reaso...

Natures Way

May 11, 2019

Generally when people found out I was a monk they conjure up the idea that I must have practiced somewhere exotic, aw...

Moments of solitude

Feb 11, 2019

Moments of solitude are amazing. As a monk finding time for introspection and contemplation was easy, 2 hours every m...

Cold water bathing

Feb 1, 2019

The 1st thing that made me question my decision to become a monk way back in 1997 wasn't the celibate lifestyle (I co...


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